Health is the resilience of people to deal with the physical, emotional and social challenges of life. In Frij Fryslân everyone takes responsibility for their own health. Being healthy enables us to live a long life on a physical, mental, energetic, emotional and spiritual level based on autonomy, our own strength and our own responsibility in balance (healthy, vital and happy). Being healthy also enables us to connect with our fellow human beings with integrity and autonomy. In Frij Fryslân we rely on the self-healing capacity of people.
Health is our most valuable asset. We want to express that value in the right way within the wurdearring system of Frij Fryslân, in line with what has been said above.
Within Frij Fryslân we strive to become a Blue Zone in the sense that people live a happy, vital, healthy and long life there. The Blue Zones study has nine factors in five categories: exercise, diet, mental health and social connections. To achieve this, we want to empower people to take their health into their own hands by making available sufficient information, education and tools (such as help from therapists). Frij Fryslân's mienskip also offers some of the social connections needed for a Blue Zone.
We distinguish between a mienskip (MSK), a working group (WG) and an exchange group (UG).
MSK - Mienskip Sunens
WG - Basisteam (Mienskip): has a facilitating role and ensures that tasks and working groups within the Sûnens theme are well connected to the mission, vision and strategy of the theme and Frij Fryslân as a whole. They help the working groups to realize their task.
WG - Alternative 'financing': deals with alternative financing of health and care within the cooperative. Possibilities and legal frameworks are examined in order to subsequently develop one or more concepts.
WG - Deagewoan Sûnens: wants to give space to the various views and wishes regarding the earthly farewell from a respectful and safe basic attitude.
WG - Súvere Apotheca: is working on establishing a pharmacy with natural, tailor-made and well-being-enhancing products for people.
WG - Youth Group: will be involved in the guidance and support of young people. In addition, opportunities to set up subgroups for group activities are being examined. The group organizes a youth week in the summer.
WG - Care in the district: (more groups will follow later): focuses on developing a model and business plan for a holistic and cooperative care offer in the district or region. This includes home care, obstetric and maternity care and care for people with disabilities.
UG - BewustGezondZijn: is concerned with the application of insights from quantum physics within the theme of Health. We are currently working with intention experiments to investigate the power of intentions on the environment and on ourselves, with the aim of sharing this knowledge and results within Frij Fryslân.
UG - Men's Power: recurring meeting for men where there is room to share about challenges and vulnerabilities to see, support and stand in your manpower.
UG - Women's Power: recurring meeting for women where there is room to share about challenges and vulnerabilities to see each other, to support each other and to stand in your woman's power.
UG - Share & Heal: everyone has to deal with trauma in life, big or small. Traumas always arise in relation to another person. If we bring these personal pieces into contact, by sharing them with someone else, healing can occur. For ourselves and for our environment.